Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Two things I am really excited for this Christmas...

Doctor Who Special..
If you have one minute and thirty one seconds spare the following link will take you to the prequel video on the BBC; http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/videos/p00m7qjb and hopefully make you as excited as I!

THIS NERDIST CHRISTMAS EVE SPECIAL!!! Zomg.. so many favourite favvy pants people AAAAAHHHHHHHH *jumps up and down squealing in anticipation*

Will be back later to tell you about two movies from the 80s I watched last night for the first time :D squeeeeee <3

1 comment:

  1. Tennant and Wheaton :D I used to love him when he was in 'Star Trek' but now... yummy xD

    I think this xmas special will be better than the last special :D Merry Whovian xmas!
