Overcome my depression & anxiety. It has been ridiculously bad this past year, worse than you could imagine from talking to me/reading this as I am the master of emotional disguise! I am thinking of giving in to myself and popping some magic pills to tide me over to when I am in a better place emotionally.. Not sure on that one yet - we shall see. I want to be mentally better.
Lose some kgs and get healthy. I am overweight/obese and super unfit. So far this year I have been changing my eating habits and trying to go on the wii fit for at least 30minutes everyday - there is still heaps of room for improvement. It's not about dress size, it is about treating my body better so it will reward me with not being sick/injured all the effing time.
To know what direction I want to take. When I went into nursing studies I was certain, 100%, that it was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Although I thought it would be all about hands on, 1 on 1 nursing care with an individual. I was heart broken when I found out it was all paper work and rushed - so I got to thinking that maybe midwifery would be more for me. I am so unsure - the must haves for a future career need to be... 1) get to be one on one dealing with people, 2) be helping people in one way or another, 3) be flexible with lots of different opportunities to stop me getting bored..
To embrace myself, including all my flaws and be ME. For far, far too long I have tried to please everyone but myself and done what I thought others wanted. Be it joining in bitching (this is going way back to highschool days - I loathe the act of gossip and bitching with every inch of my soul nowadays), conform to what is in fashion whether clothing or music etc. I am a geek, a nerd, a sci-fi nut, a popculturalist, I love retro glamour, indie/folk/alternative music, I love piercings and tattoos and coloured hair. I am Emma - hear me ROAR!
That's it for now. This is rather unstructured, but these are my goals for this year.
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